Friday, February 22, 2008

Definition of 'DONE'

Done, finished, caboose, end are said in the context of a task on hand. One says done means the task or functionality(in the Software Development) is completed. I decided to take a look at this differently.

How about thinking it like this : A task is done when you are not needed anymore to perform the same or similar task again. For example, the task of vacuum cleaning. Once you have vacuum cleaned every place you want to and felt that all the dirt has been sucked in, you get the feeling of finishing something. While from our new perspective, we will say that task is temporarily done because in a few days you will be performing it again. But in case you decide to buy Roomba (a robot vacuum cleaner) the task is really done.

Take life for example, living as a task is done when you are dead. We never say that at every birthday one has accomplished living for this year and will again accomplish it next year.

If you feel curious and want to read more on these lines.
Take a look at Manna

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Survival of the fittest -- The Flip Side

The phrase -- Survival of the fittest -- brings a tone as if THE FIT is hacking/destroying/ killing/removing everyone else who are not so fit. But lets take a look at the flip side -- contrarian approach. This phrase may actually bring a tone of co-operation /help/creation.

For argument's sake, let us assume Lion to be THE FITTEST. Highest in the food chain, Lion can kill/remove everyone below him. In such a scenario, there will be no one left to destroy which will lead to the destruction of THE FITTEST. But the evidence is otherwise.

Dawkins wrote in his book that in a race between a wolf and rabbit, rabbit should win more often (LESS FIT guy) because wolf is just running for dinner while rabbit is running for life. This fact shows that evolution may not mean a particular species getting better but it may mean that the whole ecosystem is improving. If wolf were to improve to run fast (through many generations) rabbit should also improve to run faster else it would become extinct or vice-versa.

Hence, improvement in one entity should lead to improvement in other. It appears that nature has devised certain laws which will make entities co-operate even though we might think otherwise. In the ecosystem of Tennis players, Roger Federer evolved at the fittest. In the Australian open, what all of us noticed was that others are also evolving to the level of Federer, the whole tennis ecosystem has improved over the past few years. The balance in the ecosystem will not let on entity fly out to far. This has happened because the aim of every player is to beat Federer and so he will try to learn from Federer. In effect, the FITTEST is teaching less FIT how to reach his level (not directly but other players are watching Federer's videos).

Tennis ecosystem is not valid for many general scenarios because guys compete to win and they can't really co-operate. But we can look at other ecosystems (work, community, family) where THE FITTEST, if co-operate with less fit, will increase the level of ecosystem involved.

Confusing !!! Read about Iterated Prisoner's dilemma.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Pattern recognition

Brain is a pattern recognition machine. Different people see different patterns throughout the day. How come, some patterns are remembered while others forgotten. The simple answer could be that patterns one see repeatedly tend to sink in the brain(as if going towards the root) while others are just lost. That is why we have experts in various fields. Ordinary people see patterns in the field of their choice and once they sink in, experts are born.

Want to check out your expertise?
Go to this link

You will notice even though the words are jumbled you are not having a lot of trouble reading it. Think how brain is processing the information.

Sometimes, in this busy world, people who are climbing ladders (corporate, family, religion) want to reach a spot faster. But climbing ladders is nothing more than recognizing patterns. How fast your brain sinks in the new patterns will define the speed of ascent.